Friday, November 5, 2010

What Happens if a Gnome is Sick?

      Gnomes have many different illnesses they can contract from living in the wilderness.  They have also created many remedies to fight this. Here are some examples of how gnomes maintain their health:

- To help keep blood pressure low they drink Shepherd's Purrse Tea, along with eating minimal salt
- For pain and stiffness of the joints and muscles they use arnica externally and drink tea from dried stinging mettle's to help internally
- As protection against flu, colds, and infections of the bronchial passages they drink tea made from elder blossoms
- For digestive system problems they drink poppy juice
- For insomnia they drink camomile tea
- For flatulence they drink fennel seed tea
- For constipation they use a few pieced of dandelion leaf
- For a broken leg they wrap the leg in old twigs used as a splint
- For insect bites they use vinegar made from fermented fruits
- For snake bites they apply a tourniquet, open the wound and suck out poison

Drinking a lot of tea could quite possibly be the secret of being a healthy gnome it seems.

(Most information from the book Gnomes by Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen)

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